Monday, August 28, 2006

everything i need to know, i learned from watching big brother

Just want to let you all know I appreciate you putting up with me through the last weeks of Big Brother 7: All Stars. I have never watched or been obsessed with a television show this much, ever. It will soon be over and I will be free to go back to my hobbies: hiking, volleyball and watersports.

what i've learned from watching big brother:

Everyone, ultimately, is out for themselves.
Never really understood this fully before. I realize now we all want to win in life, not necessarily at the expense of others. Sometimes we hurt other people in the process.

People Lie.

Lies in so many colors, white lies, big flaming red purple lies. Lies all over the place. Lies coming out of our ears. Because we are afraid, because we want things, don't want things, because we're bored, because we want to be more interesting, on and on.

People exercise.

I miss California.
Bright sunny days and crispy cool nights. No ridiculous sweaty smelly humidity.

I want to go in a hot tub and have a beer.
One time in my old apartment I had a Corona and took a shower. So trashy but so relaxing.

I like bad boys with dark hair.
Robert Downey Jr. and Dr. Will Kirby.

Oh and please take a moment out of your life and humor me and watch this video!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Now I know why I *don't* watch BB ;-) Only in Amerika, only in Amerika..
