Wednesday, May 04, 2005


just can't seem to get enough sleep. i missed my culture race and media class which is my favorite class.

i took the bus home from looking at an apartment on monday in lakeview. i looked in the window of the assisted living center on clark. an old woman was having an early 5:00 dinner. i identifed with her more than i did with the shiny happy gay boys walking up and down broadway. i wondered if i should have been looking at apartments in the assisted living center.

when kara was gone over the weekend i was up late watching tv. thought it would be a good idea to make a bag of popcorn. i looked at the back of the bag and vaguely noticed that it said four minutes. i had made bags of popcorn many times before in this microwave and there is even a popcorn button that cooks bags of popcorn perfectly.

still, i set the microwave for four minutes. my mind somewhere else. i went back to the television. after about three minutes i noticed a terrible smell coming from the microwave. stupidly, i ran to the microwave and opened the door. brown, greasy popcorn smoke poured out of the microwave filling the entire apartment.

i have tried all the online remedies for this. and although the smell has dissipated a little, this event really fucked me up this week. i can't get away from this mistake i made. it's everywhere. everything smells like burnt popcorn, even if it really doesn't.

i have to buy a new microwave. it wasn't mine, it's karas. i have to wait for the refund for my loan for school to do that. i worry that my landlord will sue me for smoke damage, but i don't think it's that bad. still i'm terrified. i'm always thinking about my burnt popcorn.

joey said that maybe it was a wake up call for something. maybe that i should get out of the house. which is interesting. i think it's more that my mind is somewhere else. im a ninety year old woman trying to make a bag of popcorn and setting the house on fire.

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